
Showing posts from February, 2023

Total Knee Replacement Rehab at Rehab Spine Physiotherapy Clinic

  - All times are to be considered approximate, with actual progression based upon clinical presentation. -Patients are weight bearing as tolerated with the use of crutches, a walker or a cane to assist walking until they are able to demonstrate good walking mechanics, then full weight bearing. -Early emphasis is on achieving full extension equal to the opposite leg as soon as able. -No passive or active flexion range of motion greater than 90 degrees until stitches are removed. -Regular manual treatment should be conducted to the patella and all incisions so they remain mobile. -Early exercises should focus on recruitment proper quadriceps set. -No resisted leg extension machines (isotonic or isokinetic) at any point in the rehab process. Week 1 Icing, elevation, and aggressive edema control (i.e. circumferential massage, compressive wraps). Manual therapy  -Soft tissue treatments and gentle mobilization to the posterior musculature, patella, and incisions to avoid flexion or patella